
Saturday 21 December 2013

Firefox 26 Comes For Android Users, Windows, Mac, and Linux

Firefox 26 Comes For Android Users, Windows, Mac, and Linux | With the rapid development in the world of web technology , the Mozilla already use the new development schedule to introduce a new version of the web browser about 6 weeks. Lastly, Firefox 26 has been officially launched for desktop users .

With Firefox 26 , support securities received attention , is "Click -To -Play " for Java. Through it, a plugin will be loaded when opening a website , but will only be activated when the user gives permission .

In addition, several other support are also available to desktop users through Firefox 26.

On the Android platform , the main page of the Mozilla introduced a new, fast access to the web - site that you preferred . This makes it easy to make some fast work when using small screen devices . At the same time , it's now also optimized for devices that run Intel x86 chips .

For those interested , you can download Firefox 26 from Mozilla 's official site and also Google Play Store today.

Mohd Zaki Mohamad

About Mohd Zaki Mohamad

Perkongsian berkenaan info - info technology dan gajet terkini yang menjadi kegemaran semua pihak.

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