
Tuesday 3 December 2013

AR technology

By Afiq Hanif

SYED Huzaifah showing AR technique and 3D

The actual extents or ' augmented reality ' ( AR ) and three-dimensional (3D ) should be the focus of future generations as it is able to attract the interest of students in science and technology based on a real visual .

Based on the factors involved , the 28-year -old son , Syed Omar Syed Huzaifah established companies that focus on the AR and 3D at the same time offer a new dimension to the actual visual -based learning .

" Learning through AR and 3D profound effect on students .

" For example , if they want to see things that are already extinct dinosaur , two techniques involved can give a reality by offering certain animal movements and internal organs , " said Technical Director Virtuocity Systems Sdn Bhd 's ( VS ) .

He said it was also able to bring history to rebuild the model as the old building was demolished.

"We are currently in the process of developing architectural models of buildings and the old Subang Airport and the popular Pak Ali House in Klang Valley at one time .

"Although both have modified or down , people still can relive history by looking at the 3D model as if the two are still standing in front of your eyes, " he said IT @ Metro .

Previously, VS has built AR and 3D projects for several organizations such as the National Science Centre , Melaka Museum Corporation and the Center for Science in Kuala Terengganu.

Syed Huzaifah inform , to provide a presentation of AR and 3D to the consumer , they just need a personal computer ( PC ) Short , screen at least 40 inches or recording projector .

" We will be exhibiting AR and 3D in Malaysia at the National Science Centre called Eyefinity , which combines a large screen and streokospik like to play with the movie in the first movie in Malaysia , " he said.

VS also take advantage of the AR and 3D architecture that offers better readings or measurements conducted before a particular project .

"The developer or construction company is able to see the actual visual before building a more indirect saving time and cost , " he said.

AR and 3D models have recently gained worldwide attention after the interests of preserving the environment , we are talking of the need of the development of a virtual model of the building to assess its effectiveness in advance.

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Mohd Zaki Mohamad

About Mohd Zaki Mohamad

Perkongsian berkenaan info - info technology dan gajet terkini yang menjadi kegemaran semua pihak.

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