
Friday 28 February 2014

MixBit Applications Now Available For Android Users

MixBit Applications Now Available For Android Users | MixBit previously been introduced to consumers on iOS , which enables the user to record video , while at the same time it cans combine together another video , and edit and make it more attractive .
For the record, this MixBit started by the founder of YouTube , Chad Hurley and also that Steve Chen . However , its popularity is still small compared to some other services .

Using MixBit , users can edit and combine video clips up to one hour , and publish new and exciting to use . The editing process is also very simple , and can be controlled using just drag- and -drop only.

Users are also provided with a special page , enable wiped them collaborate and remix videos developed other users.

For users of Android devices , you can now download the Android version and try it for yourself on your device MixBit this service , and compare it with some other application .

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Adidas Smart Watch For Active People

Adidas Smart Watch For Active People | Day after the announcement of Nike, Adidas today to share about the new device from them, a smart watch with a focus on those who are often running and is expected to be available from 1 November at a price of $ 399 (~ RM1265).

Through smart watches from Adidas, it lets users know the location of the run (through GPS integration), running speed and heart rate. The device is also said to be comes with inbuilt storage space, allowing users to store songs and listen through Bluetooth headphones.

At the same time, some training is also said to be offered through it, allowing them to train themselves depending on their heart rate.

Contrary to some smart watches in the market, it does not require any smart phone to be connected before they can work. Rather, these watches focus on runners and athletes, while also appropriate for some other users.